Partners of Swiss Transfusion SRC

Networked globally and strong nationally – together with our partners, we aspire to realise our vision: “The right donation for every patient”.

Blood supply

Together with the regional blood transfusion services, we ensure the supply of blood products to hospitals.


Key national stakeholders

Key international stakeholders

Laboratory worker checks the blood in the laboratory.

Blood stem cell donation

In our search for the right blood stem cell donors, we cooperate with circa 80 blood stem cell donation registries around the world, as well as with other national and international partners.


Key national stakeholders

  • Federal Office for Public Health (FOPH): authorities, contracting entity
  • Transplant centres and collection centres
  • Swiss Blood Stem Cell Transplantation (SBST): Swiss association of blood stem cell transplantation professionals
  • National Reference Laboratory for Histocompatibility (LNRH): HLA typing and advising in donor searches
  • Marrow (student association) and patient organisations: awareness raising and donor recruitment

Key international stakeholders

Three young women cheer on the tartan track.

In collaboration with Swiss Transfusion SRC, the student association Marrow organises a run against leucemia each year.

The picture shows employees of Swiss Transfusion SRC visiting Anthony Nolan in London.

Employees of Swiss Transfusion SRC visited Anthony Nolan in 2017.