Site notice

Swiss Transfusion SRC
Waldeggstrasse 51
3097 Liebefeld

Telephone: 031 380 81 81

Legal notice:

Non-profit-making company limited by shares (gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft)


Dr Bernhard Wegmüller

Concept, screen design, programming:

Digital Strategy & Solutions

All rights reserved.

This information is the property of Swiss Transfusion SRC. It constitutes the most up-to-date information available at the time of publication. Swiss Transfusion SRC makes no representation or warranty and expressly excludes liability with respect to the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of the information and data presented here. The same applies to any other websites to which this website refers via a hyperlink.

Swiss Transfusion SRC also bears no responsibility for the content of such websites. In no instance does the information presented on the website pages constitute a legal commitment. Swiss Transfusion SRC reserves the right to alter or add to the information and data presented as necessary. No legal claims can be derived from the thematic areas described here. Offers are non-binding in all respects.

Swiss Transfusion SRC content is protected by copyright law. The content must not, in part or in full, be reproduced and/or published or stored in an information system without the prior written content of the creator.